Bro Riza
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The three punishments of hell are, Boiling water poured over head. These are two adversaries who dispute concerning their Lord; as for the unbelievers, for them garments of Fire shall be cut; boiling water shall be poured over their heads,whereby that which is in their bellies, and the skins shall melt. sura 22:19,20 The prophet(saw) also said "verily boiling water will be poured over the heads of hellish people which will cut everything in their stomachs,and they will be restored to the previous state" tirmidih, baihaqi.
punishment for drinking wine or intoxicants. The prophet (saw) said "My exalted lord has sworn by his honour thatwhoever among his servants drinks even a drought of wine will be given pus to drink in the same quantity: and whoever abandons it for his fear will be made to drink from clean and pure cistern" Ahmed
punishment by maces of Iron and for them shall also be hooked rods of iron.(21)
Whenever, in their anguish, they desire to go forth from it, they shall be returned to it, and: `Taste the punishment of the burring:'(surah 22,22)
the prophet (saw) said " if the mace is put on the ground all the men and jinn put together cannot lift it" Ahmed
I know the things which break a fast but i dont know what the hadith related by anas is.
Bro Riza
Age: 125
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I dont the answer to that either, but i reckon its coz some people are very extreme, i would say its cos at the time of prophet (saw) they obviously didnt have electricity. But for someone to say that we shouldnt have electricity cos at that time they didnt have it, would just be stupid, bt i wouldnt put it past some people, its these kind of people who end up leading people away from islam by making it so strict and extreme, and its not like that, Allah has gave us provisions to make things easy for us, so we should use them. This is my opinion anyway. Not saying that this is the reason they had this discussion about electricity, could have been something else.
Bro Riza
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I agree with the peeps here, doing dawa is good, but not with the mails which say " you WILL recieve a miracle" Because if someone innocent does it and does not recieve a miracle he/she will be dihearted and could lead to them losing trust and faith, so you do have to be carefull, there shouldnt be threats on emails either, cos some of them even say if you dont send it something bad might happen, thats just messing with peoples minds man, infact its probably the jew who have made the mails, like they make the misleading islam sites.
Bro Riza
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YDAKH, I totaly agree with you quran is not the only shariah, its the foundations. The Shariah can not be formed with out koran and sunnat, and also schools of thought etc. About dead people, its true, people dont die, they live another life until the day of judgement which is called Barzakh. I think thats only for people who are not being punished in their graves, you should read about it, it is very interesting. and scary, when i read about life after death and what happens when we die etc. its what made me more religious and god fearing allhamdulillah. Giving salaam, to sufis is fine, but asking of them is wrong, if you have read the topic i posted on shirk you will understand.
Bro Riza
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Salaam again, i have an article here by sheik al-guzahli. Some reflections of the late Shaykh (Rahimahu-llah) on why he believes, and what strengthens his iman. Its a little long, but it will be very knowledgable for you to read it inshallah. jazakallah.
Muhammad Qutb: 'The Way of the Messenger', Islamic Horizons, Indianapolis, USA: Islamic Society of North America, issue. Published with permission for Journey Through Islam, second edition, volume 1 – to be published
I am one of the many thousands of people who believe in Allah, recite His praises, avow His glory and majesty, and are strengthened by His bounty and support. I have come to know the Almighty through the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace. I read the Qur’an and I studied the prophet’s biography; then I discovered my inner self-harmonising with his message. My heart and mind were refreshed by his call. Thus, I became one of the vast multitude who have accepted Allah as their Lord, Islam as their way of life, and Muhammad as their guide and Prophet.
There were people who knew nothing about Allah at all but Muhammad illumined the way for them, and led them through their own hearts to their true Master. And those who knew Him, but did so mistakenly, thinking that He had a son who could intercede, or a partner who could be of assistance, to them also Muhammad came and re-established the belief in Absolute Oneness, refuting once and for all the supposition that Allah could have a son, or daughter, or a partner, or an opposite, or an analogue in majesty.
Or have they taken protectors apart from Him? Allah - He is the only Protector; He revives the dead, and He is capable of everything. No matter how you have differed on anything, the Judgement is still with Allah. [Say, therefore:] ‘Such is Allah, my Lord; on Him have I relied, and to Him do I turn.’ Originator of heaven and earth, He has granted you spouses from among yourselves as well as pairs of livestock by which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him! He is the Alert, the Observant. He holds the key to heaven and earth; He extends sustenance and measures it out to whom He wills. Surely He is aware of everything (42: 9-12).
THE Prophet's Knowledge of Allah
No one, past or present, knew their Lord the way that Muhammad knew Allah. Indeed, his knowledge sprang from shuhud, or witnessing. The Muslim who is keen to emulate the example of the Prophet will be able to discern certain special characteristics of Muhammad's knowledge and awareness, in the penetrating and emotionally charged words he used when speaking to, or about, Allah. Clearly, there was nothing either doubtful or contrived about his utterance. Whoever reads or hears the words which Muhammad used when addressing his Lord will immediately sense a quickening of his pulse to the flow of those words, and a corresponding rise in the intensity of his emotions. In the end he will have no alternative but to be humble and to submit to the Lord of all the worlds.
I remember on one occasion trying to follow the distances mentioned in a study of astronomy, distances so great that they raced beyond my ability even to imagine them. Indeed, I felt myself growing ever smaller until I looked down to the earth at my feet and thought of what lay hidden beneath its surface. I realised then that I was capable neither of comprehending nor even of perceiving anything. Have we any idea of the number of things there are in this world about which we know nothing at all?
Then, as I was reflecting on these thoughts, I recalled how Allah, Exalted is He, has described Himself in the Qur’an:
The Merciful is established on the Throne: to Him belongs all that is in heaven and earth and all that is between them, and all that is beneath the surface. If you speak aloud [or not, it is all the same to Him], for surely He knows the concealed and what is even more hidden. Allah, there is no god but He. To Him belong the Glorious Names (20: 4-8).
The sublime radiance of the lote-tree in the seventh heaven and the tiniest seed in the darkest recesses of the earth are as one in His Knowledge, may His Name be praised! I found myself so filled with awe for the Great Creator that I was at a loss to put it into words. But by His will I did discover the words to express what I felt. These were words used by the Prophet in his salah. In the hadith, Ali ibn Abi Talib related:
'And when he assumed the ruku or the bowing position, he would say: 'O My Lord, for You I have bowed down, and in You I have placed my faith, and to You I have committed myself. My ears, my eyes, my marrow, my bones, and my sinews have humbled themselves before You.' When he raised his head from the ruku position he would say: 'May Allah listen to those who praise Him. Our Lord, may Your praises fill the heavens, and fill the earth, and fill everything between them, and fill whatever else remains to be filled after that.' When he assumed the sajdah or prostrating position he would say: 'Our Lord, for You I have made sajdah, and in You I have placed my faith, and to You I have committed myself. My face lies prostrated before the One who created it, and fashioned it, and opened within it its sense of hearing and its sight. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators.'
In ruku and sajdah before the Creator of heaven and earth, an inspired servant kneels and whispers exemplary words - what every being should utter by way of greeting to the Possessor of the Perfect attributes - for in this supplication, one may discern perfect Divinity and perfect servanthood.
Without a doubt, the first Muslim - and that is the station of Muhammad among the prophets, the believers, martyrs, and righteous - was an expert in the art of dhikr and dua, without equal in giving thanks or seeking forgiveness. We shall endeavour to clarify this truth by examining something of what has been preserved of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace.
Recently I looked again through the sacred scriptures of the other religions, and found none of them the equal of the Qur’an in its glorification of Allah, and its exposition of His splendour and majesty. In the Qur’an, the exquisite names of Allah are mentioned hundreds of times in the course of its narration of the stories of the prophets, in its verses of legislation, in its description of the wonders of nature, and in its description of the events of Judgement Day and what is to come thereafter. Furthermore, the Qur’an refuses to allow its glorification of Allah to be merely abstract, without the energy to stir a heart or project a way of life. Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, translated the way of the Qur’an in every aspect of his daily life, and became the ideal - 'a man of God', focusing his attention on Allah alone, and doing everything that he did in this world in His Name.
The person to whom Allah has granted spiritual strength and richness will not be shaken by fear or desire, nor by considerations of numerical inferiority or superiority. The spiritually observant person will be equally at home whether alone or at a wedding feast. If his only concern is the life to come he will never be daunted by the setbacks and obstacles of the present life.
The heart of Muhammad, upon him be peace, was constantly occupied with his Lord, immersed in the sense of His Majesty. Indeed, this profound awareness was the basis for his relationship with both God and people. Follow closely his thoughts in this dua:
'Our Lord, by Your Knowledge of the Unseen, and by Your power over Your creation, grant me life so long as You know life to hold good for me, and grant me death when You know death to hold good for me! Our Lord, I ask You for the fear of You in public and in private, and I ask You for [the ability to speak] the word of truth in tranquillity and in anger, and I ask You for frugality in wealth and in poverty, and I ask You for happiness which is never exhausted, and I ask You for pleasure which is never ending, and I ask You for contentment with Your decisions, and I ask You for the finer life after death, and I ask You for the pleasure of looking upon Your Face, and meeting You without ever having undergone great suffering, and without ever having been subjected to misleading temptation.'
'Our Lord, adorn us with the adornment of faith, and make of us guides who are rightly guided.'
And still there are those with the insolence to claim that Muhammad was a pretender to prophethood! How they regard the truth! From the beginning of time to the present, no human being ever addressed Allah with words nobler than his words, nor ever devoted himself to Allah with greater ardour than he. Who then can be accounted truthful if Muhammad was a fraud? The truth is that those who seek to discredit him are themselves so deficient in intellect and religion that they try the patience of even the most forbearing souls. What they say about Muhammad is comparable to what a flying insect could tell you about the suns of the galaxy!
And those who believe not [despite the clarity of the evidence], in their ears is a deafness [so that they hear not], and to them it [the Qur’an] remains obscure; they are [like people who are] called from a place too far away (41: 44).
Bro Riza
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Heres something else about shirk in ibadah(worship) its quite important for muslims to know this, and when you read it it realy makes sense. for eg. One of the most major shirks is Shirk in worship. This is when we direct an act of worship to anyone other than Allah. If man Allows th love of anything or anyone to come in between himself and Allah, then he has worshiped that thing. So money could also become ones god. Allah has particulirised all acts of worship for him alone, for ex. Prostrating, bowing, giving charity, fasting in his name, visiting his sacred house, prostration in the direction of his house, these are acts which allah has prescribed for muslims to be observed as his worship. Now if a person makes an act of prostration or bows before the grave of a prophet or jinn, or a certain house or coffin, if someone observes fasts in their names, stands infront of them with folded hands, kissing a grave, anyone who does any of these has clearly commitied major shirk.Some muslims believe that souls of saints and pious humans can affect the affairs of this world even after their deaths. This results in them grave worshipping for their prayers to be answered.
Bro Riza
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As far as i am aware, a kafir are people who do not follow a book. eg aethiests or indians. No offence to any indians or aethiests, i'm just explaining what it actualy means.
Bro Riza
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Its true FFM when you see something abd you believe its wrong, then its our dutie to tell people about it. If they are true muslims then they should understand.
The bottomline is some people get carried away by some previous sufis or somewhat. that they start graveworshipping and thining that this person was closer to Allah he should be able to answer prayer through Allah, but he is dead now and just like A normal person, he cant even do dua for himself, only people on this can do it for them. Grave worshipping is shirk, because you associate partners with Allah.
These people are very naikh people, but lets not get carried away. Like i said the shaitan uses every tool he can to get us. and he tends to succeed. we have to increase our knowledge to keep the shaitan away.
Bro Riza
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And no wonder the most up front, half naked, men luring, disrespectful to themselves, girls i'v seen are indians. Ever heard of the word RESPECT vikram, obvioulsy not after the last comment you made. Its another thing indians dont have in common with muslims, so think before you speak. And whats soo ridiculous about not intermingling?? Do you think if they did intermingle that there sexual desires would be fullfilled? i dont think soo, sexual desires are always there. If your a male you should know.
And another thing, i would rather be sexualy starved until married, than be under the wrath of Allah.
Bro Riza
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History isnt always right Ydakh, there were arrogant people at that time to, which is why some people now are the same and have inherited this ignorance.
Anyway all i want to say is Allah is always here and always willing to answer our prayers. If we realy wanted our prayers answered we have to please Allah in every way he has asked us to, he has told us many times in the quran, i am of forgiving, all you have to do is ask. Its that simple. Obviously you have to have sincerity and if you have done wrong, then you have to truly repent. But the point i am making is we do not have to go to people to ask them to pray for us, when we have been told ourselves that our prayers will be answered if we follow the book, right? We just have to be dedicated in being the best muslims we can be, then allah will be with you all the time inshallah. Well then it is up to you, do you realy love Allah enough to sacrafice the things you like. Or are you to caught up in this world and forgotten your real duty?
The prophet (saw) once said,"live your life in this world as if you are a traveller resting under a tree" Meaning that this world is just a test, our final destination is Akhirah,inshallah. Brother and sisters dont dwell in the nitty gritties,(this is the shatan fighting with you) or you may fall of the straight path(Allah Forbid) May Allah bless us All.
Bro Riza
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Ydakh i am a sunni, and i am very well aware of sufism it is also been inherited in my family, and also through to me, but it wasnt untill i researched myself and didnt just follow what was inherrited, i realised somethings which werent right. You have to try and be open minded. At the end of the day all you need to know, is follow the ways of the prophet(saw), because if we do then we are guaranteed jannah, that is enough to know. There is also ahadith about inovations, i will look it up. I think you need to chill out a little, dont attack other muslims, only Allah can judge, you dont know for sure if what you follow is right, as neither do i or anyone else on this planet. Only Allah knows. So have patience with others. Not try to be offensive just giving you advice. jazakallah.
Bro Riza
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My opinion on this guys, is that we have been told that there is going to be 73 sects in islam, and only one will be right, when it was asked by a companion which one, the prophet (saw) said the ones which follow my teachings. Now from this its quite clear that if we were to only follow the teachings correctly then we are the correct ummah, right? Now if we were to follow his teachings but also add innovations which werent practised at that time, then we are risking a chance, because that might be bad, but maybe it might be good cos we our intentions are there, i believe the people that do do things according to sufism, do it to gain more reward and they think what they are doing is logicaly right because they are doing it for Allah. But its still a chance, because we know that if we follow only the teachings of the prophet (saw) then we are doing right, we have been told this by him(saw) So why do more, when we dont know for 100% sure that it is right? I am not saying we shouldnt try to gain more reward, we should, but only in the ways we have been told by the prophet (saw). Do you guys understand what i mean?
Bro Riza
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I agree with SALL, we are in thi position of oppression because of our own selfishness and neglect to islam, if all muslims followed islam according to sunnat and shariah, we would not be in this place, but many have failed this, therefor remember, we get punished here and hereafter, so we are being punished right now. Its our faults but. If we cannot do anything,Allah will replace us with a generation who can. Lets try be that generation who WILL do something, i know its easier said than done, but we have to be positive. Also first step is personal development. TAZKIYAH(purification of the soul)& TAQWA(fear of Allah). Wasalaam.
Bro Riza
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Salaam, NOOR, where abouts uk are you from? if you dont mind me asking? also have you ever heard of Islamic Society of Britain?
oh and YDAKH, are you muslim or not? i cant make you out man, one minute you are pro islam, next minute you are referring to NOORS people.. as YOUR people, assuming when you say YOUR people you mean muslims right?
Bro Riza
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desibaba said:
Bro Riza said:
I think everyone should read the last post i put in on the "what do non muslims think this life is about?" post. I think it applies to two people here who you can all guess after reading it. Its a shame, may Allah put light in their hearts.
no my friend. i hope allah put light in your hearts so that u recognize the facts that there are other progressive religons that change with times and have concepts different from yours. we are blessed to be whatever we are and the freedom that comes with it.
Well actualy DESI, i wasnt even targeting other religions, the point i was getting across was that if something was said about islam, two people would constantly mock it, without valid reason, so get your fact right sometimes, and stop being soo offensive. If you guys think that there is something you dont like or understand,then ask us politely and we will explain, dont just take the maickey aight. Some people here may have offended you about your religion, but check previous posts of mine, cos as far as i am aware, if there is something i dont understand about your religion, i have asked you nicely to explain, but you guys take it the wrong way and get all offensive. we might get offensive too, but we always show you proof of what we are talking about, eg. quran or sunnats of prophet muhammed (saw)(he last prophet) teachings and sayings, so atleast we prove a point. Take a chil pill and explain where you get your info from etc.
Bro Riza
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desibaba said:
among other things, I was getting my impression from another thread called "Palestine Suicide Bombers well done" from Religion forum started By DMX.
Desibaba i agree the topic name wasn't the best, but if you actualy read the topic, you would understand why OPRESSED muslims in palestine are resorting to Suicide killings, because they dont have any other weapons, they are opressed by israel trying to take land which isnt even theres in the first place, the jew were put in palestine after the war by the british now they trying to take the whole land. Calling us terrorists??? not only that but they have weopons worth billions all provided by US. But palestine only have stones. On the news you only see one side, thats cause the media is run by jews. Theres killing in palestine everyday, little children being murdered but you dont here about that.but as soon as one jew is killed, its all over the world, i could go on forever.. But the point is dont open your mouth if youd dont know what your talking about, and dont believe everything the media says, they have have a very evil way of fooling people.
Bro Riza
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"O Believers, wine, gambling, altars and divining arrows are only an abomination of Devil's work, so avoid it that you may prosper.Devil desires only to precipitate enmity and hatred between you through wine and gambling, and to bar you from remembrance of God and from the Prayer; will you then desist?"(surah 5,verse 90-91)
This is from the quran for anyone who wanted evidence.
Alchol drinks which in britain and many other countries are socialy accepted stimulants. Have a profound and detrimental impact on society. In britian Alcohol is a factor in 70% of homocides, 43% of assaults, and 82% of incidences of disorder. (The Times, 4/5/96) 30% of road accidents (the guardian 16/1/96) Thats ten road deaths every week. 33% of child abuse and 40% of domestic violence incidents(the times educational supplement14/11/97) 61% of all suicides (The independant 19/8/95) About 2.8 people in britian are alcohol dependant, and alcohol use costs the british industry £2billion per year and the health service £150million per year; 28,000 deaths per year are alchol related, thats well over 500 a week.( The Independant 19/8/95) This is just part of the price paid for mere enjpyment. As Allah says "the harm outweighs the benefit" So not coming from an islamic prespective, can anyone tell me after seeing these facts that Alcohol is a good thing, Be Honest. Its only logical why it is banned in islam, because it is pure deen.
Bro Riza
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Mr death and Ricky boy, you guys are being such w**kers! If you dont agree with something just say so, and have a good reason for syaing we are wrong, other than oh its fun.
About drinking in ISLAM, so if your not muslim this does not apply to you, so butt out unless you wanna learn something. Drinking was very wide among the compaions at the time of the prophet, it was later forbidden by Allah (swt) because it took people out of their senses and they didnt understand what they were doing, it wasnt just drink it was anything which makes you under nasha, out of your senses. So it had to be stooped. We are told of the gifts paradise, and one of them is we will have rivers of wine to drink from excpet it wont make us under nasha.
'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about Al-Bit' (an intoxicant prepared from honey), whereupon he said: Every drink that causes intoxication is forbidden. narrated in sahih muslim.
“I was a policeman and would often drink alcohol. I bought a beautiful slave girl with whom I had a daughter. I loved my daughter greatly and doted on her and when she began to crawl on all fours I grew even more fond of her. Whenever I put an alcoholic drink in front of me, she would come to me and pull me away from it, or she would spill it from me. When she was two years old, she died. I became consumed with grief over her loss.
It was the night before Jummah, I stayed home and drank and I did not pray the ‘Isha prayer. Then I had a dream. I dreamt that the Day of Judgement had begun, the Trumpet was blown, the graves gave up their dead, mankind was gathered up and I was among them. I heard something behind me, I turned around and saw a huge snake of indescribable size, blue-black, rushing for me with wide-open jaws. I fled in terror.
I passed by an old man dressed in spotless clothes, smelling beautiful. I greeted him and he greeted me back. I said to him, ‘O old man ! Protect me from this snake, and may Allah protect you!’ The old man wept and said, ‘I am weak and it is stronger than me, I cannot overcome it. Go quickly, perhaps Allah will grant you something that will save you from it. I climbed up on one of the highest points of the day of Resurrection overlooking the layers of Hell. But someone cried out to me, ‘Go back! You are not one of the inmates of Hell.’ These words calmed by fears and I went back.
But the snake pursued me. I went back to the old man and said, ‘O old man! I begged you to protect me from this snake but you didn’t protect me!’ Again, the old man wept, and said, ‘I am weak, but go to that mountain. In it are kept the stores of Muslims. If there is something in store for you, then it will help you.’
I looked and saw a round shaped mountain of silver topped with domes of hollowed pearls and hanging drapes, and every dome had two large gates of red gold encrusted with emeralds and pearls and overhung with drapes of silk. When I saw the mountain I ran to it, with the snake in hot pursuit. As I approached the mountain one of the angels cried out, ‘Raise up the veils, open the gates and look out! Perhaps this wretched one has something in store with you that will save him from his enemy.’ At this, the veils were lifted, the gates were opened and out of the palaces came children with faces like full moons. The snake was catching up to me and I was near despair!
One of the children cried out, ‘Woe to you! Come and see all of you! His enemy is very near him.’ At this, the children came, one wave after another, and among them was the dear daughter of mine that had died, two years before. When she saw me she wept and said, ‘my father! By Allah! ’ She leapt into a carriage of light and came near me with the speed of an arrow. She put her left hand in my right hand and I held on to her tight. Then she stretched her right hand in front of the snake, and it turned around and fled.
My daughter bade me sit, then she sat on my lap and began to stroke my beard and said, ‘O my father!’ then quoted from the Quran (57:16), saying, ‘Has not the time come for those who believe, that their hearts become humbled at the remembrance of Allah?’ I began to weep and said, ‘O daughter, you children know Quran?’ She replied, ‘My father! We know it better than you.’ I said to her, ‘Tell me about the snake which wanted to destroy me.’ She replied, ‘Those were your evil deeds that you built up and strengthened, and they wanted to take you to the Hellfire.’ I asked, ‘What about the old man I passed by?’ She replied, ‘O my father, those were your righteous deeds, you made them weak until they were no match for your evil deeds .’
I said, ‘O my daughter! What are you all doing in this mountain?’ She said, ‘we are the children of Muslims, we have been given this dwelling place until the Hour rises. We await whatever you send forth to us, and we intercede for you’.
Then I woke startled and saw that morning had come. I flung the alcohol from me and shattered the drinking cups, and I repented to Allah.”
This person who repented so sincerely was Sheikh Maalik Bin Dinaar(Rahmatullah alaiyhe), who later became one of the renowned Divines of his times. It is said that, in his early life, he was not a pious man and when someone asked him how he came to repent of his sins and abandon his evil ways, he related the above story about himself. Source: Virtues of Sadaqaat
**************************** The Prophet (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, “Every son of Aadam, constantly commits errors, but the best of those who constantly commit errors are those who constantly repent.” (Tirmidhi) Also in a Hadith Qudsi, the Prophet (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) quoted Allah as saying, “O Son of Aadam, as long as you supplicate Me and fasten good hopes to Me, I will forgive all your sins and I mind not. O Son of Aadam, if your sins were to reach the limits of the sky and then you sought My forgiveness, I would forgive you and not mind. O Son of Aadam, if you come to me (on the Day of Judgement) with sins equal in volume to the earth and then meet Me in the state of not having associated partners with me, I will give you in return forgiveness equal to the volume of the earth.”
So it is Haraam, anything which was forbidden by Allah i the quran or through the prophet (saw) is Haraam.
Bro Riza
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I think everyone should read the last post i put in on the "what do non muslims think this life is about?" post. I think it applies to two people here who you can all guess after reading it. Its a shame, may Allah put light in their hearts.
Bro Riza
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You know something FFM, i wouldnt even bother making a new thread, because some people get too offensive, and i feel its usualy people who get offensive easily are the ones who are not realy at peace with themselves. This could be for many reasons inc. religion. Sometimes they dont love or maybe understand their religion and can become offensive, i'm not pointing any fingers, i'm just making people aware. Also this goes to everyone,esp. muslims, the sunnat of a muslim is to have patience and love towards other people, even other religions which follow a book. We should explain to them defaults they have and show proof, this goes to other religions, if you dont like something about someone's religion, you shouldnt dislike it unless you have a reason to, for eg. if its against your religion, if this is the case explain to the person that is against our religion because soo and so, and show them proof. Solid proof. Not proof from a holy book that has got soo many different versions,but proof from a book that has not been changed by one single word since it was made, and theres only one book i know of like that. i'll let you make your own decisions. Lets be open minded here and not over protective.We should accept what someone else has to say, and reply to them in a polite manner, explaining what you think is wrong with their claim.
oh and Mr Death, i have no tension my friend, i feel light as a feather, and pure as the purest water, thanks for your offer anyhow.
Bro Riza
Age: 125
7813 days old here
Total Posts: 31
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Alrite peeps, just wanted to say, that agreeing with your parents and putting them first, not before prophet(saw) or Allah, is what every person should do, cos they brought us in this life and made us what we are. Also Arrange marriages arent as bad as some people make it sound. Arrange just means that it is sorted out by parents in the sense that if you see someone you like you can tell your parents i like so and so , and tell them to find out about the family for you, if you are willing to get married though. It doesnt mean that you parents decide and thats it. If you dont like them then fine look for the next one, and the next untill you find one you like. And if you want you can get to know them more personaly as long as some relative is sitting with you, even at a distance so they cant hear you as long as they can see you,cos as shuja said the if its only two then the third is the shaitan and he causes desires in the heart. So when we say arrange dont automaticaly look down on it, and you will also find that they are more robust than love marriages, the reason being firstly because you have followed sunnat.Secondly when you get married you spend the first few years getting to know each other and loving each other, where ad love marriage is usualy you have done evrything before marriage so when you marry you usualy just argu and have nothing else to do. It very goo to please your parents, but you have to make sure you are also happy, what ever happens in the future is upto Allah, but at the time you have to want to marry person, not be forced, because like Nadz said we have to bring our own children in Islam, so we have to have a solid family love and connection, that can only be done if you love each other, if you are unhappy, then its likely you stay like that through your whole life and have no motivation.
Shuja mashallah you are very knowledgable for your age, but i think you will realise as time goes on things which we know we are not allowed to do when we are young, become harder not to do as you get older and hormones and adult development kicks in. Inshallah Allah will steer you away from any problems, but nowadays its a real test, especialy in this sort of society that we live in.I remember when i was young i was strict about these things and said i would never ever do certain things, but i guess shaitan would get better of me sometimes. We all make mistakes, its leaning from them that is the important thing. May Allah keep you all on the siratul mustakeen.
Bro Riza
Age: 125
7813 days old here
Total Posts: 31
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Salaams, hows it going? i see there is no one playing your game, well i'll play if it makes you feel better :) the first question in Surat Ikhlas, which is almoes at the end of 30th spara. Its is very deep surah, explains alot with in a few lines. Starting of with making clear that Allah is the one and only, he is not one of many gods nor does he have a son or mother or anything of the kind. Everything has come from him and everything will go from him. Hes is eternal, always there, he is not temporary or conditional. He is not dependant on any person or anything, every person and everything is dependant on him. This surah is a very clear message to polythiests. There is nothing like Allah at all, so we shouldnt try to concieve a god from our own creations. This surah is related to us in this day and age just the same as it was 1400 years ago, it is the attributes of allah and a clear message to other religions, eg. christians believe jesus is sone of god etc. it is also a wake up call for muslims, because being human someties we forget to be gratefull for what we have been given. So we should remember that everything good or bad comes from Allah. It is also the most recommended surah to read in namaaz. if we were to only read this it would be sufficient. How merciful is Allah? So what do i score??
Bro Riza
Age: 125
7813 days old here
Total Posts: 31
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Salaam brothers and sister in islam, i just registerd to this site, baby girl 18 suggested it to me, as she is my cousin, whats up cuz? This seems like quite an interesting forum, its good to see the youth getting involved in islam, and striving for the right path. I thinks it would be a good point to add hear that, Allah (swt) Loves his people most at the time when they strive to find the right path. The siratul mustakeem. SHUJASLAM with regards to your question, about the dirtiness of cats etc, well as baby girl said, Abu Huraira means father of the kittens,as he used to always keep a kitten in his sleeve So it is allowed for us to keep them as prophet muhammad (saw) had them as a pet too. With regards to its cleanliness, well that would be up to the owner of the cat to keep it clean, and take it to the vet for check ups regularly, this will help to keep it clean, from my knowledge i am not aware of anything else about them, and cant find anything else on it. so the rule goes, that if you cant find anything in an hadith then you check through the four schools of thought, if you cannot derive anything from that, then you make your own decision(Making sure you have tried everything to find the answer)once you have done soo,then the decision you make you should not be doubtful of it, Because the prophet (saw) said that if you doubt something then follow that whcih you do not doubt, bukhari hadith. So i guess by keeping the cat it is ok, and it should be kept clean, if you happen to touch a dirty part of the cat, then if in doubt do wudu or ghusl. So going back to the point i made at the begining allah loves those who strive to find the straight path, if we are not sure on something and cant find evidence anywhere, follow your heart, Allah knows your intentions. wasalam. (Anything good i have said comes from Allah,and anything wrong has come from myself,may allah forgive me)